1. Optimal Control for MIMO system
Given an nth-order system (satisfying controllability and observability)
and the stabilizing state feedback
the closed-loop system is represented by
The behaviors of the state and the input are given by
respectively. Then consider a problem to determine to minimize the criterion function
The criterion function can be written as
Note that we have the following constraint on :
It is known that holds because of the closed-loop stability. Taking account of all zero-input responses, instead of (7), we consider to minimize
Therefore, we will minimize
using undetermined multiplier and the stability constraint (8). As the necessary conditions, we have
Substituting into (13),
That is, we have the Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) on :
By solving this, we can obtain and then
The control methodology is called as LQ Control.
The sufficiency is discussed as follows. The following expression can be derived:
In fact, substituting into the right hand side and using the Riccati equation,
Integrating the both side,
As ,
Therefore, it is shown that minimizes the criterion function.
Exercise 1
Given , obtain the solution
of the Riccati equation
and calculate
Expanding the Ricatti equation
we have
There are the two solutions on from
, the two solutions on
, the one solution
. Therefore, we have the four kinds of solution
as follows:
The only (1) satisfies . Therefore we have
●How to solve ARE
Given the Riccati equation , consider the Hamilton matrix
The eigenvalues of the Hamilton matrix with size are distributed symmetrically to not only the real axis but also the imaginal axis. So there are
stable eigenvalues and
unstable eigenvalues. The eigenvectors corresponding to
stable eigenvalues
are obtained as follows:
Based on this, we can obtain as
A program by SCILAB to solve the Riccati equation is given as follows.
function [F,p]=opt(A,B,C,Q,R)
W=R\B’; [V,R]=spec([A -B*W;-C’*Q*C -A’]);
p=diag(R); [dummy,index]=gsort(real(p));
n=size(A,1); j=index(n+1:n+n);
p=p(j); V1=V(1:n,j); V2=V(n+1:n+n,j);
X=real(V2/V1); F=W*X;
Solve the Riccati equation in Exercise 1 by using the above program.
A=[0 1;0 0]; B=[0;1]; C=eye(2,2);
Q=diag([1 1]); R=1;
Exercise 2
Consider the following spring-connected carts as a control object.
The motion is governed by
where is a spring constant with the range
. The state equation and output equation are given by
The control purpose is to regulate the zero-input response under the initial condition:
by using the state feedback:
In order to determine the state feedback gain , for
fixed to an appropriate nominal value
, we will minimize the following criterion function:
that is
For example, the closed-loop zero-input response is simulated under the following assumptions:
1) ,
2) ,
Appendix 1
Check the following properties on matrix trace.
where for
. In fact,